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Oops ! Our English website is under development, we expect the development to be over by June , We highly regret the inconvenience caused.
Kindly bear with us and for enquiries please contact mail@kinlong.com .
?1. 復合板是利用70%的Knyar500或Hylar5000氟碳樹脂進行滾涂,這些樹脂來自于世界著名的油漆廠家
2. PE芯料板是由高質量低密度聚乙烯樹脂做成。而防火芯料主要是由高質量的全新樹脂與防火化學原料一起配比而成。例如鋁三羥化物或者是其他礦物質
4. 在一般的室外條件下,復合板表面附上自粘性可剝離保護膜。保護膜須在6個月內撕掉